Monday, April 2, 2012

veggie thief

my neighbor is a wonderful gardener. on a few occasions she has invited my boys over to help pick tomatoes or sugar snap peas.  they always come home with a big bowl of veggies for our family and full bellies.

after tagging along to the garden last time, my little quinn has learned where to find delicious snacks.

while i was unloading groceries from the car, Quinn took off down our driveway, across the cul-de-sac, and up the neighbor's driveway.  by the time i caught up with him he had already snagged himself a sugar snap pea and was proudly chowing down.

we did apologize.  she didn't seem too upset, he's kind of hard to stay mad at....

tiny thief and his loot

1 comment:

  1. Cute! You've done well if your kiddo is going after vegetables :)


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