Friday, April 20, 2012

new babies!

the babies are here!!  like last time, i ordered them from my pet chicken.  they hatched on monday and arrived at my post office on tuesday.  i was, again, totally giddy driving home with the little peeping box on the passenger's seat.

quinn greeted the babies with cars and a nerf dart.  gaworecki hospitality.
the first time i selected chickens for my flock i was very particular.  i chose each breed carefully and with good reason.  i never expected to have to replace them in just 8 months.

i was so completely happy with my first flock that i would have just re-ordered the same breeds exactly.  but that wasn't a choice.  not all of the breeds were available.  for the best, i decided.  this way i have a new flock,  not a replacement flock.  i made some other choices on the fly and even accepted a "hatch day surprise" - crossing my fingers that all goes well.

preparing for new baby chicks uncovered my sadness for my first hens.  i really do miss them.  but it is still such a happy thing to have babies around. 

so - here we go again!

here are the seven babies, two days old.  these babies don't even have names yet!  please send suggestions.  i'm fresh out.  and the boys are only offering descriptors as names - "calmy," "jumpy," "chirpy," and "five toes" just will not do.

baby easter egger like singer and spring - this flock will have two blue egg layers!

baby salmon faverolles
faverolles are cool because they are peculiar.  they grow a "muff" of feathers on their faces, have feathered legs, and five toes!

baby buff orpington, like clementine
some of the babies still have the egg tooth on their beak - they will lose it in the first couple of days
baby blue splash marans, like nico
marans have feathered legs
baby australorp

mystery baby!
we know she will be a brown egg layer.  i'm guessing she might be a partridge rock
baby columbian wyandotte  - lois lane was a golden laced wyandotte

          this tiny narcoleptic falls asleep immediately if left alone.  i'm on watch to keep her from falling asleep in her water.

our littlest chick is the columbian wyandotte.  she was so slight and sleepy when she arrived.  she barely opened her eyes or moved the first day.  i made sure she got water and by the second day she is drinking on her own and walking around a bit.  she is not eating so i have been hand feeding her with a dropper.  she has the brightest eyes.  i sure hope she perks up.

bring on the name suggestions!  i need them!

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