Thursday, April 5, 2012

last eggs.

we used our last two eggs from the First Flock.  even the boys recognized the moment and asked if we should just keep them in the fridge for a while longer.

venus is laying just about every day again.  but one egg a day doesn't feed growing boys.  so we are back to purchasing eggs for a while.  happily, while buying eggs at the farmer's market i met a farmer who 1-invited us to come visit his farm and 2-offered us baby chicks from his farm in the future, should we need them!  

we are also going to visit a dairy goat farm tomorrow.  i am so excited! 

it must be kismet that i discovered the blog of author jon katz when i did.  (i was not familiar with his books, but i am enjoying his farm photos and writing).  he lost two chickens last night and wrote this about it (read his whole post here) :
This is life, certainly the fate of chickens. Learning that life is life, not tragedy or drama, is a great gift for me. I told Maria that we ought to go right out and get more chickens, and then print up some notecards to honor Meg and the gang. We like having chickens. ... I will not be thrown off my course by life.
Which is not to say it doesn’t hurt.
i like this, very much.

on a funny note, asher is the worst photo-flash blinker i've ever encountered!  it is outrageous.  over the years with my work i've run into many people that are extra sensitive to flash and are hard to catch with eyes open.  but asher is just near impossible to photograph with a flash.  here are 6 of 18 tries - eyes closed in every single one!


  1. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! oh my, at least asher is totally cute about it :)

    and i love that quote from jon katz. i feel like it applies to all kinds of things, and need to keep that in mind for the next time i hit a curve ball. and am just so pleased things seem to be heading in a positive direction for you! love you leslie!!

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    2. thanks sweet ellen. i agree about that quote. i intend to remember "i will not be thrown off my course by life" :)

  2. so cute. i love his hair!

  3. Asher is absolutely adorable. Pictures of me are often like that. :)
    Also, do your fresh eggs from your chickens taste different than the ones at the farm or grocery?

    1. hi beverly,
      our eggs taste much different than grocery store eggs. but just like the pasture raised eggs we were buying at the farmer's markets. the yolks are very dark and i think they taste far better than store bought. i actually never liked eggs much at all until recently. turns out, healthy eggs from happy hens make all the difference :)

  4. That's so great that Venus is laying daily again - she must be a strong girl. I love those photos of Asher. Especially the fourth one where it looks like you just told him, "Asher, try to keep your eyes open!"


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