Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Venus lives!!

We are so happy to have Venus home!

She was found by the water company employees working next door to our home. They were surprised to find a chicken in the yard. She seems okay. She is missing all of her tail feathers and seems very scared. Hopefully a couple of days back in her familiar coop will relax her and bring back her curious nature.

Now the question of if I will get more chickens is answered for me- Venus must have friends! So we are now looking for grown hens to keep her company.

I'm still hopeful for Luna, there has been no sign of her.


  1. Yay! I just emailed you to get the details. I guess I should have checked here first.

    1. thanks cathleen! we are so happy she's home! she is our barred rock. hope yours is well :)

  2. Hurray!!! I'm so happy to see this update!

  3. I think that Venus needs a friend after her traumatic experience.

  4. Replies
    1. thanks for the enthusiasm allison! i am so happy! she's a survivor, that venus! :)


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