Saturday, September 24, 2011

chicklets move out

punk rock luna - 4 weeks old

the little chicklets are not so little anymore.  they are like awkward teenage chickens - they are getting their feathers but still losing fluff, their feet seem way too big for their bodies, and they are starting to fly around and challenge each other.  they have sufficiently covered our house in dust from scratching in their wood chips.  so we decided to relocate them to the coop with the big girls.  

my chickens are spoiled and used to air conditioning, so they walked around panting for the first few hours.  but very quickly they seemed so happy outside.  they began to scratch and dust bathe and make all kinds of happy noises.  there is much more to do out there, if you are a chicken.

it turns out that my chickens are not only spoiled but they are also not that bright.  both the older chicks and the babies have had trouble finding their perches and roosting at night.  when the sun sets i go out to check on them.  for the first few nights they were huddled together in the corner of the run peeping loudly.  i've had to show them that their coop has a second story and then lift them one by one onto their roost each night until they get the hang of it.  why am i teaching chickens to be chickens?  i sure hope the books were right, what if i'm teaching them wrong?

to top it off, we have a lurker.  something, likely a raccoon, tried to dig into the coop last night.  luckily the culprit gave up before getting under the 6 or so inches of buried hardware cloth, but it did dig holes in four different places around the perimeter of the coop.   today i filled the holes, watered and packed in the dirt, and vowed to be more determined than the raccoon.  

a few photos of the flock:

nico - 4 weeks old, healed and happy
nellie - 4 weeks old
clementine - 4 weeks old

luna and asher
luna and asher
isabella - 6 weeks old
singer - 6 weeks old
everdeen - hating the chickens
isabella - 6 weeks old

red - 6 weeks old
chicken butts
quinn was not feeling good this week, but was awfully cute hugging winston the bunny.


  1. What an amazing experience for your kids--they must love to check on them each day! Someday I hope to meet you and your family (including the chickens.) I'm a friend of your mom's, and I live in Clear Lake and London.

  2. hi! yes, it is a great experience for the kids and that is probably what steeled our resolve to keep chickens. we're having a blast with them. hope to meet you too. thanks for reading!


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