Thursday, November 3, 2011

thanks, 3 is my limit.

when you are the mom of 3 boys, people in grocery stores don't stop to tell you how awesome your little dudes look in their captain america t-shirts.  they do stop to ask: "are you ready to try for that girl?"  as if there is a girl out there for me, i just haven't hit the jack-pot yet.

really.  i'm always astounded when a stranger asks me about my plans to procreate.  in the freezer section.  in front of my three young boys.

the truth is, though i kind of (desperately) would love to have a daughter of my own, i think my limit is 3.

honestly, i can't keep track of them all.  it's like i cannot count to three.  i've panicked pretty much once per day since Quinn was born.  i have this irrational fear that i've left him somewhere.

one day it was only me and Quinn in the car.  i was suddenly paralyzed by this crazy-sweaty-fear.  i looked in my rear-view mirror to reassure myself that Quinn was safely in his car seat and HE WAS NOT THERE!  i freaked.  i stopped the car and jumped out and opened the back car door -- and there was Quinn.  smiling at me from his big brother's car seat.  in my rush or because of my habit of putting asher in the car first, i had buckled Quinn into asher's forward facing car seat.  he looked tiny sitting there, and was being very still, like he knew i had done something weird and was afraid the crazy wasn't over yet.

if i had 4 i really would leave one somewhere.

lucky for me, these three girls are recent additions to my family.  i plan to spend lots of time with them (and i promise, i won't even lose one.)

riley ryann

madeline grace

leah magdalene


  1. I've had a similar moment with putting Michael in David's carseat and I only have 2!

    I've had heaps of people as me if I'm going back for a girl too. It's almost the first question people ask when I meet them.

  2. i love reading your blog leslie. i love that you are the mom of three boys who might be clinically insane. thank you for everything you do and everything you are.

  3. Even though I am a mom to one of those cute girls, I still say there is nothing better than little boys. You are an awesome Mom, and my hero in so many ways. Your family is complete - there are no missing girls at the table. :) And besides, think of all the super hero/Transformer/gross animal knowledge you would be missing out on if your house was full of girls? :)

  4. Those three little girls are so lucky to have you and your boys in their lives. Our whole family, from Texas to London, is just perfect. love you all, Julie


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